Thursday, June 22, 2006

splish splash!

So, if you haven't been watching the news, it's rained here. Alot. After the squalls subsided, Wolf and Kire and I hopped in the car to investigate. We walked about two closed fjords in the parks and wondered at the speed and power of the river water that dragged along large tree trunks as if they were little twigs. Kire, hesitant at first (Basenjis hate water) decided she liked the after-rain smells as well as licking the water off the ground (which we tried to discourage, especially close to the river where the water was ... less than desireable ...).

We walked a little ways on the trail, and after a while Kire decided she didn't want to behave at all and was in tracking mode, so I picked her up on my shoulders and carried her across my neck like the natives do (see picture below). My decision to do was was well timed, as we soon passed a large, feisty Rottweiler that Kire certainly would have wanted to engage in an argument of sorts (Craig noticed that, though she didn't squirm from her post, her hock certainly rose). Further on we passed a gentleman walking his beagle who asked "What kind of dog-walking is that?!" I explained that it was "she's not behaving" dog walking.

History of the Basenji

So we got home, and both of us needed a bath, so I changed into a swim suit and prepared for the worst. In the shower she twisted and wriggled and pushed and pulled and finally realized she wasn't going anywhere until I was satisfied, and stood snuffing while I washed and rinsed. Then, trying to dry her, she kept walking off and shaking (and let me tell you, that curly tail straightens out when she shakes and slaps me in my legs and it leaves marks, it's like a whip!).

So now I have a tired, yet clean, Basenji girl. I was afraid she was going to start thinking of the bathroom as a 'torture' room, but after our battle was finished, she walked right back in without a problem. *breaths a sigh of relief*.


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