Tuesday, July 31, 2007

and here I am

I moved again.

Since High School I moved from Flint to Chicago to Flint to Chicago to Flint to Cleveland to Flint to Cleveland to Brook Park to Grand Rapids to Allendale.

aaaand, I'll be moving again in the fall. I am trying to pare down my things, get rid of what isn't absolutely necessary. This is proving difficult, although I did donate/throw away a lot of stuff during the last move.

But being in a new place is always exciting. I'm in a more rural area, and thought I'm about the same distance from work, it's taking back roads past farms and pastures. I pass about three sweet-corn stands, one of which offers tomatoes and onions and the like and a little nursery/farm that sells fruits and flowers along with the veggies. There's horses and cows and tractors and sch :-) It's much more enjoyable and far less stressful than taking the highway! :-D

Kire's doing great in the new place, and with new people :-) Except instead of begging she tries to stick her nose in people's food.


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